Recently, Musk asked a US court to block the illegal transformation of OpenAI, a US open artificial intelligence research center, into a for-profit enterprise. An OpenAI spokesperson said Musk's application was duplicate and still baseless. In February this year, Musk filed a lawsuit claiming that when he provided funding and other support for the founding of OpenAI, he had an agreement with the company's two co-founders that OpenAI should be a non-profit organization, but OpenAI violated its fo...
Elon Musk, a prominent US entrepreneur, has asked a US court to stop the "illegal" transformation of OpenAI, the US research centre for open artificial intelligence, into a for-profit enterprise. An OpenAI spokesperson said Mr. Musk's application was "duplicative and remains unfounded". In February, Mr. Musk filed a lawsuit claiming that he had agreed with two of the company's co-founders to make OpenAI a "non-profit organisation" when he provided funding and other support for the company's foun...
A court in The Hague has ordered Binance to publish the names and addresses of account holders linked to a 200,000 dollar (186,000 euro) dating scam, according to the Dutch Times. The court asked Binance to provide the requested details within 14 days and freeze the account for at least four weeks to give her time to consider legal action against the account holder.